Tattoo Removal

As the number of individuals with tattoos has increased, so has the need for improved tattoo removal methods. Tattoo removal methods have evolved from potentially harmful treatments that often had painful and sometimes permanent side effects to less harmful methods that produce great results.

PicoSure®, the world’s first and only picosecond aesthetic laser, delivers ultra-short pulses of energy that shatter tattoo ink and skin spots. The quick pulses to the skin, deliver in trillionths of a second, result in greater clearance and fewer treatments with faster recovery time.

Acne Treatment

The PicoSure® Aesthetic laser can also be used for skin revitalization, acne scar treatment and the removal of pigmented lesions.

PicoSure’s ultra-short pulse duration goes beyond photothermal action creating an intense photomechanical impact, patented PressureWave™, resulting in greater disruption of the target for better clearance with fewer treatments, less fluence and without injury to the surrounding skin.

PicoSure Technology

Watch this video to learn more about the incredible benefits of this revolutionary new skin care technology.